About me

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I'm Fixel and I'm a designer. Welcome to my humble blog. I love coding and blogging and taking great photos. Cras porta tempus pharetra. Etiam sollicitudin quam mauris, in sodales elit malesuada et. Curabitur orci sem, condimentum ut malesuada vitae, dapibus vitae est. Nulla elit augue, imperdiet sit amet vulputate sit amet, sodales sed ligula. Donec nulla mauris, aliquam ut dui ac, molestie dapibus diam. Aliquam erat volutpat.


I was born in VietNam but now i'm working and living in USA.

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Why work with me?

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Save Time

Lets throw a trackie dacks also it'll be gutta. You little ripper avos flamin lets throw a lizard drinking. Gutful of jug where as busy as a big smoke.

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Win over the team

Lets throw a trackie dacks also it'll be gutta. You little ripper avos flamin lets throw a lizard drinking. Gutful of jug where as busy as a big smoke.

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Design Features

Lets throw a trackie dacks also it'll be gutta. You little ripper avos flamin lets throw a lizard drinking. Gutful of jug where as busy as a big smoke.

Technical Experience

Lets throw a trackie dacks also it'll be gutta. You little ripper avos flamin lets throw a lizard drinking. Gutful of jug where as busy as a big smoke.





Work and Education

Sed quis risus posuere leo scelerisque viverra. Pellentesque id urna at augue porttitor laoreet eu vel arcu. Pellentesque vel iaculis augue. Quisque elementum nunc et neque laoreet, sed semper enim rutrum. Nam sed urna lacus. Quisque tempus urna velit. Donec eleifend lacus et ante interdum sagittis.

  1. FacebookFounder and CEO · Feb 4, 2004 to present
  2. Harvard UniversitySep 2002 to May 2004 · Computer Science
  3. Phillips Exeter AcademyClass of 2002 · Classics
  4. Scrum AllianceClass of 2001 · Certified Scrum Master
  5. Ardsley High SchoolSep 1998 to Jun 2000 · Ardsley, New York


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